- "The Achievements of the Pontifical Oriental Institute in the Study of
Oriental Liturgiology "
(= An Overview on the most important scholars and their publications concerning
Comparative Liturgiology in:)
Il 75. Anniversario del Pont. Istituto
Orientale. Atti delle celebrazioni giubilari 15-17 Ottobre 1992
(= Orientalia Chr. Analecta 244, Rom 1994) 115-141
- "Der Armenische Ritus: Bestandsaufnahme und neue Erkenntnisse sowie einige
kürzere Notizen zur Liturgie der Georgier"
(= International Conference held at the Oriental Institute, Rome, May 1993)
Orientalia Christiana Analecta (1996,
in print)
The Liturgical Year: The most important Feasts and their Celebration in the
Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours (
first year
Marriage, Ordination, Penance and Burial Rites (
second year
Seminars are dedicated to the following themes:
1. Interrelationship of Liturgical Studies with Pneumatology, Christology, and Church History (with emphasis on Patristic sources)
2. Specific Problems of Comparative Liturgiology